Deirdre T. offers English Lessons and Piano Lessons

Tutor in New York, NY 10025

New York, NY 10025


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Price starts at: $30.00

Subjects: Choreography, English, Flamenco, Piano

Languages have always fascinated me. Traveling a lot as a child, I studied French, German, and then Twi when I had a semester studying dance & music in Ghana. The other two constants have been piano and dance. Classical Spanish music is what originally hooked me on the piano and later the world of flamenco ensnared me. For 18 years, I produced the internationally touring Dance on Camera Festival, co-produced by Film at Lincoln Center. I have been published in over 15 publications and also enjoy editing words and images.

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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Date: January 15, 2020
School: Flamenco Piano Institute
Degree: Piano
Description: Studying with jazz pianist Alex Conde.

Date: September 15, 1969 – May 15, 1973
School: Hamilton College
Degree: BA
Description: French & Dance

Date: September 15, 1979 – May 15, 1981
School: New York University
Degree: MA
Description: Arts Administration

Date: January 15, 1972 – June 15, 1972
School: World Learning
Degree: Music & Dance
Description: Semester in Ghana at the University of Accra studying dance and drumming.


Date: March 15, 2010
Name: Chamber Music Network, The
Description: ACMP — The Chamber Music Network is a non-profit organization that facilitates informal music-making by people of all ages and nationalities, from beginners to professionals. Founded as a non-profit organization in 1947, ACMP, originally the Amateur Chamber Music Players, was the idea of Leonard Strauss, an American businessman whose work frequently included travel. Tired of practicing alone in hotel rooms, he dreamed of a network of musicians who could contact each other for chamber music sessions while at home or “on the road.”


Date: September 15, 2016
Organization: Bell 8 Productions
Title: Producer/Editor
Description: Currently producing a compilation film tentatively called IN SEARCH OF A BALM.

Date: April 15, 2012
Organization: Noon Films
Title: Producer/Outreach Director
Description: Our documentary LA CHANA about a flamenco prodigy who will perform in the Flamenco Festival 2020 at City Center will be shown at the Instituto Cervantes April 3, 6:30pm. It has won 15 awards, including The Grand Prix from the International Festival of Films on Art in Montreal, 5 Festival Audience Awards in Hungary, Netherlands, Italy, Croatia, and Spain, the Premio Feroz and Gaudi Awards. It was nominated for the 2017 European Film Awards, the Oscars of Europe.

Date: December 15, 2004 – March 15, 2016
Organization: City Center
Title: Teaching Artist
Description: Teaching artist in NYC Public Schools during the annual Flamenco Festival at City Center, as well as residencies during the year.

Date: January 15, 1994 – February 15, 2012
Organization: Dance Films Association
Title: Executive/Artistic Director
Description: DFA created the longest running dance film festival in 1971, the Dance on Camera Festival, which I co-produced with the Film Society of Lincoln Center and developed its internationally touring program,, edited the bimonthly journal, and managed its fiscal sponsorship and educational initiatives.

Date: November 15, 2014
Organization: The Dance Enthusiast
Title: Writer
Description: Writer for this web magazine covering dance in NYC.


Date: November 15, 2016
Authority: International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
Name: Audience Award for LA CHANA
Description: LA CHANA has won 11 awards to date.

Date: March 15, 2019
Authority: Art FIFA – Festival Int’l des films sur l’Art
Name: Grand Prix for the documentary LA CHANA
Description: « Dans un cinéma sur l’art qui fait encore trop peu de place aux artistes femmes, pour la leçon de vie et la réflexion essentielle sur l’art, pour l’humanité, pour le montage qui relie subtilement le passé au présent, pour la trame narrative efficace qui trace un portrait nuancé et touchant d’une danseuse exceptionnelle et passionnée qui a voué son âme et sa vie toute entière au flamenco. Pour la tension de la finale où la danseuse âgée remonte une dernière fois sur scène, avec la même passion, au péril de sa vie… Pour ce riche moment d’émotion cinématographique ! »


Language: French & Spanish
Proficiency: Limited Proficiency


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