Whittier Christian Preschools - Uptown

Preschool in Whittier, CA 90601

6548 S. Newlin Avenue
Whittier, CA 90601
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Whittier Christian Schools is dedicated to excellence in Christian education developing disciplined, motivated students who are academically strong and have a personal faith in Christ and are equipped to affect the world for Him.

Child Ages:
2 years - 5 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
California Department of Social Services: Community Care Licensing Division
Hours of Operation:
7:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday

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We keep our program flexible so that
the individual needs of the child
may be met and each child progress
at their own rate of speEducation All
teaching is CHRIST-CENTEREducation
Train up children in the way they
should go, and when they are old they will not
depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
God is central to our educational approach at
Whittier Christian Preschool. We believe the
purpose of the school is to teach truth and the
skills a child needs to discover and understand
truth. God claims himself to be truth:
I am the way, the truth and the life
John 14:6
Our school seeks to teach truth and so must focus on
God who is the essence of Truth. Our students
will understand who God is, what He desires for
each person, what He says about the world
around us, and how we can know Him.
We believe the Bible is a most precise revelation of
Gods truth and must be central to our teaching.
All truth discovered must be consistent with
Gods Word.
We believe God created the universe perfectly. Man
was created in Gods image for fellowship with
Him. Man separated himself from God through
Our Philosophy sin. It was necessary for Gods Son, the Lord
Jesus Christ, to shed His blood and die, taking
mans penalty for sin and making possible, by
His resurrection, a restoration of fellowship
between man and God. A renewed relationship
between God and man is the beginning
thorough education, and the education of the
whole child.
We believe God has charged parents with the
primary responsibility for the training of their
child. The role of the school is to compliment
the training with an emphasis on the need for
a personal relationship with Christ and
involvement in a local church.
We believe each child should evidence growth
in every area in his life – Spiritual, academic,
social, emotional and physical. We believe a
structured, disciplined environment is most
succesSFul in helping us reach this goal.
We believe that the one who will be teaching a
child must themselves be teachable, a student
of the Truth. The teacher must have formal
training to teach and must understand the needs
of the age he or she will be teaching.
The teacher must evidence an ability to
communicate effectively to boys and girls.
The teacher must love and enjoy children.
In stating the philosophy of Whittier Christian
Preschool, we realize that we have not fully
achieved this ambition and so we commit
ourselves to model our beliefs before the


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