Preschool in Spring, TX 77373
The purpose of Katering-2-Kids is to provide quality child day care benefiting the child the parent the staff and the community.
Katering-2-Kids provides opportunities for childrenWant more information?
The philosophy behind our curriculum is that young children learn by doing. Learning isnt just repeating what someone else says; it requires active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work and to learn firsthand about the world we live in.
In their early years children explore the world around them by using their senses: touching tasting smelling and looking.
In using real materials such as blocks and trying out their ideas children learn about sizes shapes and colors they notice the relationship between things.
In time they learn to use one object to stand for another. This is the beginning of symbolic thinking. For example they might a stick is an airplane or a block is a hamburger. These early symbols-the stick and the block are similar in shape to the objects they represent. Gradually children become more able to use abstract symbols to describe their thoughts and feelings. They learn to read pictures which are symbols of real people places and things. This exciting development in symbolic thinking takes place during preschool years as children play.
Play provides the foundation for academic or school learning. It is the preparation children need before they learn highly abstract symbols such as letters (which are symbols for sounds) and early childhood curriculum. Play is the work of young children.
Mother Goose Time Curriculum
Mother Goose Time is a professionally planned pre-school curriculum that offers monthly packets of theme based hands-on activities and arts and crafts providing a balance of important preschool skill experiences for 2 1/2 to 5 year old children.
Mother Goose Time curriculum fulfills the Head Start Domain Elements Standards and Indicator guidelines and is consistent with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) guidelines for curriculum content
Throughout the day children work in small groups in individual settings and with the rest of the class in supervised activities. We feel your child will benefit from both the structured and non-structured learning.