Preschool in Riverside, CA 92507
The Child Development Center opened its original location in 1996. The building was designed with floor-to-ceiling windows that open classrooms physically and visually to large outdoor play areas. Outdoor play spaces are well defined to accommodate the developmental needs and abilities of all age groups. Children have space for group interaction or time alone for one-to-one sharing. Three classrooms are designed for infants and toddlers, three for Preschoolers and one for kindergarten.
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We believe that children learn best in an environment that is safe, nurturing and child centerEducation Our teachers provide daily experiences that stimulate cognitive, social and emotional growth and development in each individual.
The programs provided by the Child Development Center have been carefully planned to meet the goals, expectations and policies of the University of California, the California Department of Education-Child Development Division, the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs and the Center’s staff and parents.