Just Kids - Jeffrey Clark School

Preschool in Mickleton, NJ 08056

The Just Kids mission is to work in collaboration with the hosting 13 school districts to provide quality school-based childcare to children attending the specific elementary/ middle school. This service ensures child safety while providing a relationship building and child enrichment curriculum. Archway has over 20 years of experience providing JUST KIDS in 33 schools in Camden, Gloucester and Salem Counties.

Is JUST KIDS for me?
Just Kids operates in elementary/ middle schools. See the list of schools below. Each site is licensed for school-age childcare by the State of New Jersey. Children in grades kindergarten through eighth, receive a program of high quality care provided right in the child’s school. Regular preschool students are served in some districts. Care is available before and after school and during scheduled early dismissals. JUST KIDS operates between the hours of 7:00 a.m. until the start of school and from the time of dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Subsidized childcare is available through county eligibility.

What does the program offer?
Individual school districts and Archway Programs realize there is a great need for quality center-based school age care in our area. To meet your needs and concerns, we have tailored a before and after school child care program in a loving, safe and secure environment. Together, staff and children make choices and plan a program which is both fun and stimulating.

Enrichment Activities Include:
Quiet time for homework and individual activities
Free choice of activity centers
Community Service and Parent Involvement projects
Arts and crafts
Science and music activities
Special projects and themes (ex. Anti-bullying)
Indoor and outdoor play including competitive and non-competitive games
Small and large group games and activities to foster good citizenship, cooperation and positive social skills
Light breakfast and healthy snack

Is there flexibility in enrollment?
YES! JUST KIDS offers a variety of schedules to meet your needs. Schedules of 5 days per week are offered in morning only, afternoon only or a combination of both. For changing work schedules or periodic use, Flex-tickets can be purchased and utilized as needed. Drop-in enrollment is also available to utilize in case of emergencies. For information on costs and enrollment, please call our office and talk to one of our representatives at
(856) 768-8190, see frequently asked questions below or email us.

What makes us different:
Our Childcare Providers:
110+ mature and experienced staff
Consistent staff to child ratio below 1:15
Average length of service for supervisor is 8 years
Average length of service for childcare assistants is 3 years
Average length of service for support/ managerial staff is 13 years
Over 40 hours of extensive summer staff training and routine monthly training
Childcare staff focus on supervising children not in enrollment or payment

Our Program:
Monthly individualized curriculum calendars
Curriculum includes:
Science, Cooking, Music, Anti-Bullying, Safety, Community service, and Parent Participation opportunities
Activity Centers for student choice
Soft space for comfort and individual quiet activities
Breakfast and afternoon snack served, meeting federal regulations

On-line registration forms
Payment electronically from debit card, credit card, or bank account monthly
Flex ticket option for affordable occasional use
Extra services are billed to parent rather than paid for in advance
Yearly registration fee; not required to re-pay if re-enroll within the school year

Safety and Monitoring: These are above all NJ State Licensing Requirements
Notification to County Office of Emergency Management
Monthly Code Blue Drills- strangers in building or playground
Medical Emergency Drills three times per year
Policies and Procedures for emergency preparedness, evacuation, lock down, etc.
Thorough medication administration practices
Internal monitoring system to ensure monthly compliance with licensure standards and Just Kids standards.

Licenses & Accreditations:
New Jersey Department of Children and Families
This provider does not accept vouchers

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  • Classroom Ratios
  • Director and Teaching Staff Bios
  • Course and Teaching Material
  • Menus, Activities, and more...
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