Preschool in Livermore, CA 94550
At Livermore Playschool (AKA LPS) we strive to provide a quality part-day and full-day programs for children 2 years of age throug 5 years old. In addition a quality after school program for children of elementary age. We strive to form partnerships with all families enrolled at LPS. We provide an environment that promotes social-emotional physical and intellectual development for preschool children while allowing for differences so that each child may achieve as sense of self-esteem and self-discipline
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Our goal is for children to become self-controlled and responsible. We assist the children by modeling appropriate behaviors. We use positive phrases to encourage appropriate behavior. We allow self-expression but not if it hurts others physically or emotionally. In such cases we do intervene. As a parent volunteering in the class if there is a time when you are not sure how to handle a situation please bring it to the teacher’s attention. She will be able to assist you by modeling the appropriate way to intervene.
WE NEVER USE PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT ON CHILDREN. WE NEVER INTENTIONALLY EMBARRASS A CHILD. If necessary we will remove a child from a group if they are in danger to themselves or others for a period of time. When the child appears to have gain control we invite them back to the group.