First Assembly of God

Preschool in Liberty, MO 64068

*We offer a structured preschool learning time from 9am – 11:30am each morning of arts & crafts, music, story-time, and fine & large motor coordination activities. ?
*We have a full size gym?
*We are Missouri State Licensed.
We are a christian based preschool/daycare providing quality childcare at an affordable price. We have a Pre-K classroom and can qaurantee your child will be prepared to begin Kindergarten in August! Our staff provide loving stability since they have been here from 4 – 36 years. We have an open door policy for you to come and visit. We also promise we will be outstanding role models for your child and create respect for authority and the value of good citizenship.

Child Ages:
2 years - 12 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
State of Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
This provider accepts vouchers
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 6:00am-6:00pm

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