Preschool in Lancaster, PA 17601
Language(s) Spoken: English Spanish
Part Time / Full Time: Full Time Part Time
Montessori Academy is a toddler preschool and elementary school located in Manheim Township Lancaster Pennsylvania. We provide private academics with certified teachers using an excellent student teacher ratio in a beautiful countryside setting. Our school program includes parent-child classes summer camp aftercare Spanish art and movement enrichment programs. We have been educating children for over 25 years we participate in the International Internship Program and are building a Green addition onto our school.
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The Montessori Approach…
Dr. Maria Montessori opened her first school in Rome in 1907 and revolutionized educational thinking by recognizing the vast learning abilities of young children. The Montessori approach acknowledges that all children are born with unique potential and posses an innate desire to learn. At the Academy each child is encouraged in a warm and supportive environment to develop this unique potential. This approach is based on the needs of the whole child respects the individuality of the children and is consciously designed to recognize and address different learning styles. The environment and activities nurture the child’s sense of self instill a love for learning a respect for the world and a consideration for all people.