Preschool in Lancaster, PA 17601
Language(s) Spoken: English Spanish
Part Time / Full Time: Full Time Part Time
Learning Ladders goal is to present a child-centered age-appropriate environment to nurture self esteem confidence caring and a love of learning in each child. Well-trained on the Learning Ladder standards our educators create and maintain a safe secure school where each child is challenged to achieve their best at their own pace. Curriculums are designed to promote each childs physical social emotional and intellectual development paving the way for successful life experiences.
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The educational goal of Learning Ladder is to create a school where children have fun while fostering a love of learning in each child. Learning Ladder Schools implements the guidelines of The Creative Curriculum for Infants Toddlers and Preschool and The Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards focusing on developmentally appropriate activities. Children are provided with a variety of learning approaches and activities to create an enriching base for physical social emotional and cognitive growth. Learning Ladder also incorporates the project/discovery approach to education (Reggio Emilio) specially implemented in the preschool classrooms. This educational philosophy focuses on the children learning through investigation of their own interest or topics presented to them which would spark their natural curiosity.