Preschool in Harrods Creek, KY 40027
6710 Wolf Pen Branch Road
Harrods Creek, KY 40027
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“Good quality education encourages the exploration of alternative thinking, multiple answers, and creative insights”states Eric Jensen from Teaching with the Brain in Mind (1998).
The preschool experience at St. Francis is one that focuses on maximizing the early years of brain development while nurturing a child’s innate curiosity and creative spirit. We plan and work from the premise that the early years are the foundation for all future learning. Therefore, each day is filled with a wide variety of child-directed and teacher-directed experiences that are not only developmentally appropriate but allow for choices to encourage each child to grow toward the next level. The curriculum builds meaningful conceptual frameworks that evolve throughout the child’s preschool experience.
“…the evidence is overwhelming that enriched environments do grow a better brain. In addition, the early developing brain grows fastest and is the most ready for change. That opportunity must be seized.” (Jensen, 1998. p. 40)
The teachers at St. Francis Preschool provide materials and activities that are engaging and challenging, creative as well as fostering critical thinking, all while seeking to utilize the unique talents of each child. The staff also brings to the classroom a level of expertise and knowledge that is rarely found in early childhood programs.
The staff of St. Francis Preschool is dedicated…
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All children are naturally curious and eager to explore. They learn best through discovery and active engagement and by making choices. We enhance that curiosity by providing stimulating activities and materials and by being flexible to meet each childs needs. We offer opportunities for children to examine their environment by using all five senses. We help children learn responsibility, both as individuals and as members of a group.
At St. Francis Preschool, children experience art, science, math, creative movement, Spanish and music in a language-rich environment. They learn both inside and outside of the classroom in a positive, fun, creative atmosphere. Our students moral and spiritual development also comprises an important part of our program. We teach conflict resolution skills and the acceptance of difference. An optional bimonthly Chapel is also made available to our four- and five-year-old students at St. Francis in the Fields Church.
Our low student-teacher ratio - 6:1 for 2s and 8:1 for 3s and 4s- enables teachers and staff to know every child well and allows us to fashion a curriculum based upon the childrens interests and developmental readiness. We help every child to develop confidence, motivation and the joy of learning.