Preschool in Fort Worth, TX 76109
The Kinderplatz of Fine Arts, Inc. is a complete preschool designed for children two through five years. The curriculum emphasizes music, art, movement and dramatics to enrich the school readiness experiences and skills which each child should master. A fine arts preschool is a creative approach to learning, using the child’s natural expressions in speech, singing and movement, combined with playing specially designed instruments to achieve mastery of basic skills and concepts and improve hand-eye coordination. The school is open to all regardless of religious preference or ethnic origin.
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We believe that children learn best when they are very young, they learn best by doing, and they learn best when they are enjoying themselves. The school’s philosophy is simple: create a stimulating atmosphere and children will respond by being creative.
Emphasizing the development of academic readiness through the arts, the school uses music, movement, art and drama as the nucleus of its curriculum. A strong emphasis is placed on language development through good literature, reinforced by repetition in games and folk music. Hand-eye coordination, essential to reading and writing is perfected in musical games and rhythms. The children work daily with the Orff Schulwerk instruments played with mallets and tuned to be pitch perfect. Large motor skills are developed through folk games and dances and through Dalcrose Eurythmics, a combination of physical education and dance. Further hand-eye coordination is fostered by painting, claywork and other art related activities. Drama affords opportunity to improvise and flex imaginations.
The most important thing for children to develop is self-confidence and self esteem. At Kinderplatz, children have the opportunity to take risks and be adventurous and imaginative in an atmosphere of security and comfort. Ours is a very stimulating environment producing great excitement for learning.