Preschool in Denton, TX 76201
Each school has its own personality. We at Community School want ours to be dynamic evolving entity that reflects the hearts and minds of all of us. Our evolution is based on believing in and living our commitments:
1. Make the children our first priority 2. Help children attain a positive self-image 3. Show our love for children with appropriate verbal tones facial expressions and hugs 4. Teach children to participate in conflict resolution and conferencing which can be applied at school and at home 5. Show how to participate in conflict resolution and conferencing which can be applied at school and at home 6. Have an open door policy where parents are welcomed 7. Provide a home like atmosphere 8. Promote cooperation between staff and parents 9. Support each other and parents through our positive attitude 10. Express willingness to meet each other’s needsWe want to have these expectations of Community School but also for you to have appropriate expectations for your child. We as teachers understand we must have a broad path for each child to travel during his or her early years. We have witnessed over and over that every child will stop and linger at different places along this learning path according to his or her needs and interests. Our job will be to see there is always something interesting ahead and to beckon your child to new adventures. Life long learning’ strongest roots are built during these tender years.
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