Preschool in Dallas, TX 75251
Akiba Academy provides a superior general and Judaic education to children Pre-School through eighth grade. As a Modern Orthodox school Akiba develops ethical and responsible members of the Jewish people and American society knowledgeable about and committed to their
Jewish heritage and the State of Israel.
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As a Modern Orthodox school our mission is to impart the following values: To instill a love for all Jewish people a commitment to the land and State of Israel and an appreciation of Hebrew the language of the Jewish people through its study and application.
To instill a love for all Jewish people a commitment to the land and State of Israel and an appreciation of Hebrew the language of the Jewish people through its study and application.
To teach our children the importance of respecting the dignity of all people by acting and speaking in a way that enhances each person’s self worth.
To understand and appreciate God’s presence in the world and sanctify our lives through the study and practice of mitzvot.
To develop leaders who possess a strong sense of responsibility to the Jewish community and society as a whole.
To create life-long learners who value learning for its own sake through a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes critical thought independence and creativity.
To promote the belief that the acquisition of all knowledge both Judaic and general is of intrinsic value and is essential to the growth of our students.