Preschool in Bryan, TX 77801
Each child forms themselves taking from the environment the materials for self-construction. We as teachers prepare and provide an atmosphere that encourages every child to reach their fullest potential.
The Montessori classrooms help children accomplish their goals in their own manner whether we call it work or play. Gradually the children reveal qualities which usually go unrecognized such as sense of order an intense concentration peacefulness and kindness independence and self-discipline as well as respect for others.
Each classroom is a prepared environment designed to support the child’s need for purposeful activity. From the infant room where the infants are learning to trust the new outside world to the Montessori and Discovery rooms where the children have learned that they are worthwhile contributors to society all of our students develop profound self-esteem.
Our atmosphere is positive supportive and non-competitive. We embrace the Montessori method of education as a unique alternative and positive influence in the growth and development of children.
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