Summers - Knoll School

Preschool in Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Summers-Knoll School provides a rich academic experience for students from kindergarten through eighth grade in small multi-age classes. They learn in an intimate vibrant school setting and out and about in the world. It’s a place where bright children progress at their own pace creative children engage in limitless exploration and gifted children discover their potential.

Licenses & Accreditations:
NAIS - AIMS - ISACS Accredited
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday

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Summers-Knoll is dedicated to providing an academically stimulating environment in which intellectually curious children can learn in an engaging inspiring atmosphere. This is an active learning environment; students absorb concepts rapidly and advance their skills in adventurous ways. Gifted students thrive here as do creative thinkers and rapid learners.

At Summers-Knoll we believe the greatest educational tool available is a child’s natural curiosity. We take learning away from the medium of worksheets and place children in contexts that ignite their collective curiosity in and out of the classroom. The result: children who don’t lose interest in their education but gain momentum as each new discovery and skill mastered spurs them on to higher levels of learning. By nurturing the internal motivation of each student the process of skill acquisition and learning is joined to the inquisitive mind of the child. When learning is active it becomes a cycle of exploration concept development analysis and reflection that leads to further inspiration and exploration. And when learning is truly collaborative and shared in a community each child’s curiosity helps stir the imaginations of her classmates.

As a school grounded in the progressive tradition we are hands-on experiential and dedicated to a child’s intellectual social emotional physical and personal growth. We believe education is about continually developing ourselves to our highest capability. Our goal is not only to prepare our students for the next educational step; it’s to support them as fully realized human beings with the resources to live richly and mindfully to embrace intellectual curiosity as a way of life to be open to opportunity and exploration as well as to walk a confident skillful path with strong intentions and the will to do good.


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