Preschool in Allentown, PA 18104
Public Transportation : Bus
Language(s) Spoken : English Spanish
Part Time / Full Time : Full Time
The Datzyk Montessori School was established in 1968 by Ruth Datzyk and has been in operation ever since. It is one of the oldest continuous Montessori programs in the northeast.
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Early in the twentieth century Dr. Maria Montessori Italys first woman physician developed educational materials and methods based on her belief that children learn best by doing not by passively accepting other peoples ideas and pre-existing knowledge.
It was an innovative concept. This idea of learning promotes the active personal pursuit of many different experiences: physical social emotional cognitive. With the materials Montessori devised an environment in which such learning takes place can be created.
Montessori believed learning should occur in multi-age classrooms where children at various stages of development learn from and with each other. Her developmentally appropriate approach was designed to fit each child instead of making each child fit the program.
Montessori teachers know that children learn more by touching seeing smelling tasting and exploring than by just listening. Teacher training prepares them to create dynamic interactive learning environments that encourage each child to reason cooperate collaborate negotiate and to understand. Their goal is the development of an autonomous individual competent in all areas of life not merely someone with the right answers.
Dr. Montessori showed the first six years of life to be the most important for growth and attitudes toward future development. She also believed that children create themselves through purposeful activity and that they possess unusual sensitivity and mental powers for absorbing and learning from their environment which includes people as well as materials. A child retains this extraordinary ability until they are almost 7 years old. The Montessori method takes full advantage of this with equipment and approaches that makes learning a delightful experience.
A Montessori education is unique because of its emphasis on the whole child helping each child reach full potential in all areas of life. Activities promote the development of social skills emotional growth and physical coordination as well as cognitive preparation.
A joy of learning and a purposeful approach to work is one of the most valuable attitudes Montessori can offer a child.