Center in Woodbridge, VA 22193
The School Age Child Care office (SACC), a self-supporting program, awards contracts to private child-care providers for the operation of the School Age Child Care (SACC) program. The Prince William Board of County Supervisors, in cooperation with the School Board, sponsors the SACC program at 53 Prince William County elementary schools. The program offers adult-supervised, high quality, affordable before and after school care at participating schools. SACC provides a safe and familiar setting which meets the needs of our SACC families.
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School age children grow and flourish in child care programs that accommodate and contribute to their own unique
emotional, social, creative and physical growth. Our program offers activities and experiences that foster a positive selfconcept and a sense of independence by making the children part of the daily planning process.
Throughout the program, adults guide social interaction, conflict resolution, and involvement in activities rather than
direct or instruct. They help school age children by providing new experiences, offering suggestions, and providing
encouragement and recognition of effort as well as recognition of accomplishment.