John Nevins Andrews School

Center in Takoma Park, MD 20912

117 Elm Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912
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After school care begins each school day as soon as school is out. Students are signed in by the ASC supervisors and signed out when they are picked up. Charges for this service begin at 3:30 p.m. and will appear on each monthly statement. There will be time at the beginning of ASC for a snack if the student brings one from home. Students are required to continue following the school dress code during ASC. Arrangements may be made with the ASC supervisors for the student to have some time to complete homework assignments. However, after a full day of classes it is important for children to have play time.

It is extremely important that all students are accounted for during the excitement of basketball practices and games. Therefore, students wishing to attend a basketball practice or game must either be signed in and sitting with ASC personnel or sitting with their parent(s). This includes any siblings of team members, since it is impossible for team members to supervise children while they are playing.

Child Ages:
5 years - 14 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Middle States Commission of Elementary Schools
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

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The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes God as the ultimate source of existence and truth. In the beginning, God created in His image a perfect humanity, a perfection marred by sin. Through Christ and His Spirit, God determined to restore humanity from its lost state. Through the Bible, He has revealed His will to the world, a revelation that superseded human reason. Through His church on earth, He seeks the lost of His kingdom.

The basic tenets of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as the inspired writings of Ellen White, are directed toward Gods restorative plan for fallen humanity. The Church conducts its own system of education to engender belief in these tents, within the context of ones personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to foster a desire to share that relationship with others.

Made in Gods image, every human being, although fallen, is endowed with attributes akin to those of the Creator. Therefore, Adventist education seeks to nurture thinkers rather than mere reflectors of others thoughts; loving service rather than selfish ambition; maximum development of ones potential; and an appreciation for all that is beautiful, true, and good.

An education of this kind imparts far more than academic knowledge. It is a balanced development of the whole person. Its time dimensions span eternity. In Adventist education, homes, schools, and churches cooperate together with divine agencies in preparing learners for citizenship here on this earth and in the new earth to come.


Our philosophy of education is founded in the Seventh-day Adventist Churchs understanding of the nature of God and humankind as taught in the Bible. We believe God is a personal being who, in love, created an orderly world. Sin and evil entered the world through the distrust and disobedience shown by Adam and Eve. Because of this, Adam and Eve lost their innocence and sin became a reality in the lives of human beings.

We believe God created human beings in His likeness with the freedom and power to think, choose, and act upon their choices. One of our primary objectives is to provide for a balanced development of our students physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual potential.

We believe children and adults can be helped to develop a personal friendship with Jesus Christ who empowers them to overcome sin and evil. Therefore, the heart of our philosophy of Christian education is this: There is hope for today and for the future and that hope rests in the restoration of Gods image in His children.
Center-Based Child Care


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