Center in Saint Louis, MO 63104
Youth In Needs Out-of-School Time Programs (OST) provide before- and after-school services for school-age children between the ages of 5 and 12. Services are offered from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. OST is funded by ARCHS (Area Resources for Community and Human Services) and operates in nine St. Louis City Public Schools (Farragut Elementary, Froebel Elementary, Mann Elementary, Meramec Elementary, Oak Hill Elementary, Pierre Laclede Elementary, Sigel CEC Elementary, Walbridge CEC Elementary and Woodward Elementary). OST uses a curriculum that views all children as individuals. As such, each child is viewed for his or her individual strengths and given ongoing opportunities to build on those strengths.
Youth In Needs Out-of-School Time Programs (OST) provide before- and after-school services for school-age children between the ages of 5 and 12. Services are offered from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. OST is funded by ARCHS (Area Resources for Community and Human Services) and operates in nine St. Louis City Public Schools (Carondelet Leadership Academy, Froebel Elementary, Mann Elementary, Meramec Elementary, Oak Hill Elementary, Pierre Laclede Elementary, Sigel Elementary, Walbridge CEC Elementary and Woodward Elementary). OST uses a curriculum that views all children as individuals. As such, each child is viewed for his or her individual strengths and given ongoing opportunities to build on those strengths. OST follows a Multiple Intelligences approach that focuses on eight areas that help children build their own knowledge, drawing from past experiences, and interacting with materials based on their interests and curiosity. The eight areas of focus include: Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”), Logical-Mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”), Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”), Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“music smart”), Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”), Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”) and Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”).
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Youth In Needs Out-of-School Time Programs use a multiple
intelligences philosophy. This means that each child is viewed for his or
her individual strength. Children are given ongoing opportunities to build
on those strengths.
Eight program intelligences:
?? Word smart ?? Body smart
?? Number/reasoning smart ?? People smart
?? Picture smart ?? Self smart
?? Music smart ?? Nature smart