Center in Saint Charles, MO 63301
Little Guppys child development program focuses on developing each child in each area of development, at their individual pace. Our environment provides excellent opportunities for exploration and development in an at home atmosphere. We use the High Scope approach to plan our curriculum, assessment, and environment. High Scope is an approach based on the constructivist theory of education. Constructivism encourages mutual respect between children, teachers, and parents. Children are provided with many opportunities from which they may choose to explore in a hands on, minds on manner. Teachers document each childs progress through portfolios, daily reports, anecdotal records, and other assessments. You will be well informed of your childs progress in each facet of our program.
Little Guppy is an early childhood development program integrated with the convenience of day care. Our Little Guppy Family is comprised of three facets: the children, their families, and the teachers/staff. Our program values each of these facets equally and is devoted to their development. We also recognize and value our role in the community.
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Little Guppy is an early childhood development program integrated with the convenience of day care. Our Little Guppy Family is comprised of three facets: the children, their families, and the teachers/staff. Our program values each of these facets equally and is devoted to their development. We also recognize and value our role in the community.