Center in New York, NY 10029
In 2000 The Childrens Aid Society established a full-service community school at P.S. 50 in partnership with Mount Sinai Childrens Community Health (MSCCH) and the New York City Department of Education. From the beginning the main focus was health in response to disproportionately large percentage of serious medical and emotional conditions presented by P.S. 50 students.
The partnership also supports learning and achievement for the entire family. Some of the services and programs are: After School Saturday Holiday and Summer; Medical Dental Mental Health and Preventive Services; Emergency Relief through the New York Times Neediest Fund; Parent Family and Community Engagement and Development opportunities (such as Family Resource Room Vocational and Educational trainings Adult Education Advocacy Leadership and celebrations). In 2007 P. S.50 received the first Americas Promise Colin and Alma Power National Award for School Partnerships. This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only
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