Center in Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Days of Wonder Child Care Program operated by the Hudson Valley Day Care Center is a non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
The mission of the Board is threefold:
1. To provide working parents with the security that comes with knowing that they have left their child in a safe nurturing and loving environment in essence a home away from home. 2. To carefully develop an atmosphere that recognizes and encourages the social emotional physical and intellectual growth of each child a holistic approach to child care. 3. To make the experience for every child a journey of discovery growth acceptance and fun by using highly qualified staff members a variety of educationally sound teaching strategies and curriculum and life enrichment activities. This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments onlyWant more information?
At Days of Wonder our primary concern is the care and personal growth of the children entrusted to us. Our goal is to provide a safe nurturing and loving environment in essence a home away from home.
We believe in creating an atmosphere that fosters the social emotional physical and intellectual growth of each child.
We want the experience for every child to be a journey of discovery growth acceptance and fun and we use highly qualified staff members a variety of educationally sound teaching strategies and curriculum and life enrichment activities to achieve this goal.