Montessori Academy

Center in Decatur, GA 30033

1677 Scott Boulevard-Suite #200
Decatur, GA 30033
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The preschool programs for children from three to six years old involve a series of sequential, manipulative, and sensorial activities that ultimately bridge the gap between concrete and abstract learning.

Children work at tasks that help master their motor skills and build independence in their daily lives. Sensorial exercises stimulate perceptions vital to growing minds, such as identifying and grading of shades of colors, shapes, weights, and smells, as children work with intriguing cylinders, geometric solids, and specially designed Montessori materials. As the childs interest grows, he is introduced to sequentially prepared lessons, individually or in a group.

Full-day and half-day sessions (mornings) are available in the three to six year old program. Four and five year old (kindergarten) children attend full-day sessions to pursue in depth cultural, math and language studies.

The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to age six; for that is the time when mans intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But no only his intelligence, the full totality of his psychic powers.At no other age has the child greater need of an intelligent help, and any obstacle that impedes his creative work will lessen the change he has to achieving perfection.

Child Ages:
3 years - 6 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
Hours of Operation:
Months of Operation: Year Round
Days of Operation: M-F
Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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Dr. Maria Montessori believed that the goal of early childhood education should not be to fill the child with facts but rather to cultivate the child’s own natural desire to learn. Children in the primary class have what she called the absorbent mind. That is, the ability to absorb all aspects of one’s culture and environment effortlessly. Montessori classrooms provide a prepared environment where children are free to respond to their natural curiosity and desire to learn and grow. Montessori children learn by doing. Through hands-on Montessori materials, children gain a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of math, geography, science, language, art, etc. Children receive individualized instruction from the teacher allowing them to go as far and as fast as they desire in each subject area. Multi-age classrooms allow children to learn from and to mentor other students, an essential principle of Montessori education. Younger children learn from the older children and the older children get to reinforce what theyve learned by helping the younger children. Teachers act as guides, linking together all areas of study and directing students focus toward learning necessary skills. The Primary classroom consists of several types of exercises designed to cultivate adaptation and the children’s ability to think and express themselves with clarity. They include the following:

Practical Life Exercises help to bridge the child from home to the classroom as the child observes exercises that the grown up has demonstrated repeatedly in daily life. The different groups of practical life exercises include:

Care of the person. The child participates in exercises that help him become independent in activities including getting dressed/undressed, taking care of his body, washing, bathing, or combing his hair, or things that concern his own person.
Care of the environment. This consists of activities such as ironing, washing, gardening, sweeping, polishing, etc.
Developing social relations; greetings, offerings, accepting, apologizing, thanking, etc. These are what we commonly call grace and courtesies.
Control of movement. These activities help the child develop a sense of control and balance of his entire body.


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