Julia Z.

Babysitter in New York, NY 10002

New York, NY 10002

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Hi! My name is Julia.
Having recently moved to the city as a first year student, has been something I have always dreamed about. Now becoming my reality, I have been in the process of building my own home. This includes creating a sense of family.
Growing up with such big family has honestly been a blessing in disguise.. It has taught me with more than enough knowledge on how to provide my younger relatives with care and guidance, which is why as a babysitter I will be more then just that figure of help.
I have always loved to teach and be a guidance to others. I am an equipped individual with a blend of youthful energy and a responsible attitude that makes me an excellent choice for babysitting. I understand the importance of balancing fun and safety, ensuring that children have an enjoyable time under my care while also maintaining a secure environment. My eagerness to learn and adapt means I can quickly connect with children of various ages and personalities, fostering a positive and enriching experience for them.
Plus, as a student, I’m organized and accustomed to managing my time effectively, guaranteeing reliable and punctual tasks.
I hope to hear and get in contact with the right family!

Languages spoken: English and Spanish.

Additional services: Meal preparation, Laundry, and Light housekeeping.

Rate: $25/hour – $999/hour

Child Ages:
1 year - 14 years
Years of Experience:
1 year
CPR Certified:
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