Head Start in Ohio

24 July 2013

Head Start programs in Ohio enforce school-readiness for children of low-income families. Ohio Head Start staff members work to encourage healthy lifestyle and a strong educational base for both children and parents involved in the program. Social services are available through Head Start, including financial aid with child care, an option that could otherwise be financially draining for these low-income families.

Head Start in Ohio’s number one priority is education. Staff members work to offer a wide variety of learning opportunities. They work to teach letters, numbers, both indoor and outdoor play skills and socialization among peers.

Head Start Eligibility in Ohio
Ohio offers two Head Start opportunities. The Head Start program is for children ages 3 to 5. The Early Head Start program is geared toward younger toddlers and infants, as well as pregnant women. To qualify, families must be a resident of Ohio, have a child too young to enroll in public school and fit these financial guidelines:
• A family of 1 must make under $14,521 each year.
• A family of 2 must make under $19,669 each year.
• A family of 3 must make under $24,817 each year.
• A family of 4 must make under $29,965 each year.
• A family of 5 must make under $35,113 each year.
• A family of 6 must make under $40,261 each year.
• A family of 7 must make under $45,409 each year.
• A family of 8 must make under $50,557 each year.

Children with disabilities
Children with special needs are also welcome to apply for Head Start programs in Ohio. Staff members strive to provide health and educational assistance and learning for children with disabilities.

Ohio’s Head Start programs and health
Encouraging and teaching a healthy lifestyle is another priority of Head Start programs in Ohio. Health care options are available through the programs. These services revolve around medical, mental, dental and nutrition needs. Head Start strives to solve any problems at hand and teach a healthy lifestyle to prevent health issues in the future.

Parent involvement
As in other states, Ohio Head Start programs believe that the role of a parent is invaluable in a child’s life. That’s why the programs work to offer social services to the entire family. Parents are also involved in every aspect of Head Start. Some even work as volunteers in the classroom. The Father Initiative works closely with Head Start to enforce the importance of having a positive, male role model in children’s lives.

Would you like to enroll in a Ohio Head Start Program? Click here to find the closest center near you: http://momtrusted.com/tag/headstart

Looking to start your own Head Start program in Ohio? Visit our helpful guide: How to Start a Head Start Program.

-“Ohio Head Start” Benefits.gov: http://www.benefits.gov/benefits/benefit-details/1932
-“Head Start” Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission: http://www.ohcac.org/departments/head-start/
-“Head Start/Early Start” LEADS: http://www.leadscaa.org/index.php/services-we-provide/head-start/head-start-components/
-Ohio Head Start Association: http://ohsai.org/

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