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Child Care Daily App

30 October 2013

image from Child Care Daily App


Child Care Daily App provides parents and child care providers with a simple way to stay in touch on a daily basis. The app allows care providers to log information about individual children throughout the work day. The parents, then, are able to log in and review information about their children’s days.


Robert and Anne Kennedy, who have six children of their own, created Child Care Daily App. Together, the couple owns three separate child care centers. Connecting parents and teachers was something the Kennedys wanted to improve their own centers.


Child Care Daily App helps care providers log information quickly and efficiently. It saves them paperwork and allows more time to spend teaching and preparing activities and lesson plans.


The app also saves parents time by making information about their children available at their fingertips.  Parents who are prone to worrying or are sending their kids to daycare for the first time are relieved of some of the worry that comes with a lack of information. Child Care Daily app lets parents check in and see if their babies finished their bottles, what type of lessons their children are learning and receive personalized notes from teachers and care providers. The information is logged and can even be converted into a graph, which parents can use to show doctors.

Some centers are even using the app the stand out in the crowd. In a technologically driven society, the most tech-savvy businesses are often the most popular. Using Child Care Daily App could give providers a leg up on their competition.


Child Care Daily App strives to bridge the communication gap between child care providers and parents.



-Child Care Daily App: http://www.childcaredailyapp.com/


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