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A Guide to Supporting Foster Children in Education

29 December 2023

Education is one of the most powerful tools we have to empower the futures of children and young people in the foster care system. As a foster carer, you play a pivotal role in nurturing not only the home life of children placed in your care but also their growth in the classroom. This article provides tips tailored for UK foster carers on advocating for and supporting the educational needs and goals of your foster children. Helping set them up for academic achievement will have life-long positive impacts.

1. Communicate Openly with Schools

Establishing open, frequent communication with your foster child’s school is key. Set up an introductory meeting with the teachers and admin at the start to discuss the child’s needs, challenges, and goals. Clarify your role as foster carer in their education, and maintain contact to monitor progress and nip any issues in the bud. Schools want to see children succeed, so by partnering closely, you enable them to provide better-tailored support.

2. Help Organise Their Education Records

Foster children often change schools, meaning records can be lost or scattershot. Work with the local authorities to ensure their files are consolidated and transferred for consistency. Keep your own ongoing file at home tracking key documents, reports, special needs assessments, details on extra tuition received, etc. Having organised records makes it easier for schools to identify and close any gaps.

3. Facilitate Extra Support if Needed

Children in care are more likely to need additional learning support. Meet with teachers early on to evaluate if added help is recommended, be it a special education plan, tutoring, counselling, speech therapy, access arrangements for exams, or other targeted services. Whether you are fostering in Edinburgh or another part of the UK, speak to your fostering agency about this. They will be able to explain the available support both within schools and externally with local providers.

4. Prioritise Attendance and Homework

Enforce the habit of attending school daily and prompt assignment completion. This instils essential study skills and self-discipline. By taking attendance and homework seriously despite chaotic histories, you reinforce that education is priority. Consistency, even in small ways, makes a big difference long term. Celebrate diligence and progress to further motivate them.

5. Have a Voice in Key Decisions

You know the child best. Ensure that your voice is heard whenever key school-related decisions are being made, like special needs assessments, subject choices, university applications, scholarship opportunities, etc. Do not leave it solely to overburdened social workers. Proactively engage with schools so you can share insights on the child’s strengths, weaknesses, hopes and learning styles to inform choices made.

Education lays the foundation for future success and well-being. By partnering closely with schools and proactively addressing needs, UK foster carers can empower the children they care for to thrive at school, paving the way for life-long achievement. Follow the tips covered here to have a profoundly positive impact on your foster child’s learning journey.

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