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How to Become a Successful Foster Parent in 2023

28 July 2023

Becoming a foster parent is an enriching role that requires a background in childcare, or experience looking after children. With this experience, foster parents can provide a supportive, stable, and loving home for children in care who need it. The UK is calling out for foster parents in 2023, making it a great time to reach out and start the process.

Below we look at how to become a successful foster parent in 2023, including the process and some commonly asked questions.

What Do I Need to be a Successful Foster Parent?

To be a successful foster parent you simply need:
● A suitable home environment, including a spare bedroom.
● A loving, compassionate attitude.
● Be over the age of 21 and have the legal right to work in the UK

And that’s it! You don’t need any special qualifications to become a successful foster parent, as a good agency such as Foster Care Associates will give you all the training and support you need.

Can I Have Other Children?

Yes, you can become a foster parent even if you have other children. You just need to have the time to care for a foster child. You should also make this decision as a family, as bringing a foster child into your home will have an impact on the whole family. Your child may be very excited about the prospect of having a new friend to play with, but it’s important to discuss it first.

Will I Get Financial Support?

Yes, you get allowances for becoming a foster parent. You also get tax relief, which means your household will be exempted for the amount of £18,140 (as per changes in the latest budget). That being said, you can’t have a full-time job and be a foster parent.

Either you or your partner (if you’re living with someone else), should have enough time to care for a foster child. You may be able to have a part-time job, as long as the care of the foster child is prioritised. It may be worth finding a job through school hours if you still want to make extra money.

How Can I Apply to Be a Foster Parent?

If you want to become a foster parent and have the skills and mindset to do so, you should contact a local fostering agency. Usually, you can fill out an online form and the agency will call you back or get in touch. You must be over the age of 21 to become a foster parent. You will then be invited for an information session or have a home visit, where you can learn more about being a foster parent. You will also need to complete background checks.

Becoming a successful foster parent does not require a certain qualification or education. With the right mindset, a strong sense of compassion, and the knowledge to look after children, you can become a successful foster parent in 2023.

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